Jaishree Medical Devices

Ambar Universal APS

Self-etching light-curing adhesive system for enamel and dentin.

1.Universal Adhesive (use under different acid etching protocols and on different surfaces);
2.Minimizes post-operative sensitivity;
3.APS system: Excellent performance at any moisture level of dentin;
4.Perfect for intracanal application.

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1.High adhesion in different forms of application
2. Perfect for intracanal application
3. BPA-free
4. Adhesion to different types of surface
5. Enhanced MDP
6. Colorless aspect

Product Indications

1.All classes of direct restorations with composites (classes I, II, III, IV and V).
2.Adhesive repairs in ceramics and composites.
3. Adhesive cementation (together with resin cement) of prosthetic pieces (intraradicular posts/cores, crowns, onlays/inlays, veneers etc.), fiberglass, ceromer, ceramic, composite and metal.
4. As a primer for metal or ceramic (etching or non-etching)


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